Studley Sub Aqua Club

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I too young or old ? We train divers from over 16. As long as you are reasonably fit, there is no upper age limit.
Why join a club ? Get trained by enthusiastic fellow divers, and enjoy an active social scene as well.
How much does it cost ? You need to join BSAC, currently £59 a year. Club subs are paid in 2 installments of £82.50, payable in March and October.
Isn't all the gear expensive ? Not necessarily. All you need to start is a mask and fins. The club can supply you with gear for club training, and most
dive sites will rent you dive suits and more kit. As time progresses you will find you do buy kit of your own.
Isn’t diving dangerous ? Not at all. If you are relatively fit, it’s no more dangerous that taking a walk. At every stage of your training you will be
supervised by a qualified BSAC instructor. Provided you follow your training and dive with a buddy there is minimal risk.
Can I dive with a medical condition ? You can dive with a number of conditions. Obviously some will stop you. There are accredited BSAC Doctors
who will often confirm simple issues might not stop you from diving, they're usually divers themselves and
want to encourage you to dive responsibly.
The BSAC medical FAQs and advice can be found HERE
See http://www.ukdmc.org/ for further details on medical questions and referees.
I wear glasses, is this a problem ? Not at all. A few of our members have prescription lenses fitted to their masks, or wear contact lenses.
How long does it take ? That all depends on the course you are doing. It takes about 4-6 months to qualify as an ocean diver, but can be done faster.
The course will be tailored to the speed you want to go at. There is NO time restriction.
Where do you dive ? We do our open water training at Stoney Cove and NDAC, Chepstow. We also dive there for fun as well. The club also orgainse
trips to dive sites around the UK and abroad.
When qualified, where can I dive ? Your BSAC qualification is recognised around the world.