Studley Sub Aqua Club

Sports Diver
BSAC Sports Diver builds on the scuba skills you learnt in the Ocean Diver/Advanced Ocean diver course and helps develop your confidence, skills and experience. You will also progress your rescue skills and dive management.
This will allow you to enjoy a wider range of diving sites and conditions.
The course builds a sound foundation of open water diving skills and experience with structured, practical lessons.
This is a good way of getting more dives under your belt while learning under the supervision of a qualified instructor.
Qualified BSAC Sports Divers are ready to take part in dives with other Ocean Divers or higher grade divers.
Depth can be built progressively to a maximum of 35m after qualfying.
Sports Divers can also embark on the first stage of the route of instruction.
As with the Ocean Diver course, there are Theory and pool sessions, and open water lessons.
As with all BSAC qualifications, the course notes, guides and card are available via the BSAC shop/website.